Friday, May 6, 2011

Kindergarten Mother's Day Charms

I have viewed these completed in a variety of blogs and just had to try them! They turned out amazing!!!
Students rolled clay into a ball and gently pushed with their sneakers to create an interesting texture. They were then glazed and fired. Beautiful!! Will surely do these again!!


  1. I loved doing this! The kids are finishing them much fun & the parents love them!

  2. Are there any instructions available as to how to go about doing this activity with the students? They look amazing!

    1. These are super easy!! we rolled a small piece of clay into a ball and gently stepped on with our sneakers. Each texture will be very different and unique. I put holes in them using a wooden stylus and then fired when ready. We used colorbursting glazes to finish!

  3. I love to try this to my 1st graders. Can you tell me what to use glaze them? And how did you fire them? Do we need a kiln?
    Thank you!
